214-207-4249 | Influencing Strategic Thinking steague@resourcedomain.com
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Coffee, Tea or Bait Marketing

Bait Marketing is more effective than PPC, SEO, and Sales Reps because curiosity does the prospecting, qualifying, contact, scheduling, and presales for you!

  1. Pay for Click is expensive and wasteful; estimates are as high as 52% of digital advertising budgets are wasted on bots, competitors, and sellers – a whopping 52 percent! Paying a lot for visibility and immediate impact and getting very little of it.
  2. Search Engine Optimization is expensive and must be maintained while taking as long as 6 to 12 months to see results with limited immediate effect.
  3. Sales Reps are costly and unreliable and require management. Prospecting is near 90% rejection with most reps failing to make it 10 months before being replaced.

For a company to drive demand it must show its value in financial terms to make it interesting in the mind of the buyer. Prospects don’t, click, look, or pick up on things they don’t find interesting.

Interest is the key to consistent growth regardless of industry or buyer. If you need attention to sell your product or service, interest motivates behavior.

Bait Marketing uses the interest to drive demand for new customers and curiosity does the prospecting, qualifying, contact, scheduling, and presales for you!

Benefits of Bait Marketing

  1. Catching, qualifying, converting, scheduling, and presales for you!
  2. Is highly effective
  3. Is affordable relying on your company value proposition to create interest
  4. Is specifically designed to sell technology services to SMP buyers
  5. Is more effective than prospecting

Bait Marketing is an innovative marketing framework that uses natural curiosity to generate demand and turn the entire sales process in your favor.

Let Bait Marketing do the work for you and grow your business naturally at scale.


Dallas, TX

