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The main focus for Exchange 2013 is further reducing cost of deployment and management. The four main areas that were changed to meet this goal were roles/deployment, management, storage, and end user productivity. Unlike Exchange 2007 and 2010 there may not be any major must have features for your organization, so if you are currently on Exchange 2010 the upgrade to 2013 might be a bit hard to justify. However if you are on Exchange 2003 you MUST upgrade to 2010 before you can upgrade to 2013; so now is the time to look at upgrading. If you are still on 2007 the features in 2010, which are further enhanced in 2013, should be reason enough to upgrade.

Take a glance at our in-a-nutshell guide to Microsoft Exchange 2013! Written expressly to easily describe the top changes, features, and advantages of using the new 2013 Exchange.

Click the Link below to download the free ebook! If it was helpful to you tweet or share it on Twitter or Facebook. Thank you in advance!

MW_Ebook_Exchange 2013


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