by T. Sean Teague | Aug 17, 2016 | Technology
DOWNLOAD HERE: Even if you have a favorite browser that you use by default, it may be time to find one that is faster and more secure. All browsers have the ability to access...
by T. Sean Teague | Dec 4, 2014 | Business, Technology
In this, the third installation in our infographic series about Networks, we enumerate the features and functions that make your Network reliable. We refer to them as the Network Reliability Functions because the degree to which you provide for these functions is the...
by T. Sean Teague | Aug 14, 2014 | Business, Cloud Computing
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PDF The Cloud is one of those industry terms that you hear about all the time. From friends, from colleagues, from the news, magazines, emails, banner ads, and even in the break room at work. People say all sorts of things about the Cloud: “The...
by T. Sean Teague | Jul 31, 2014 | Technology
CLICK INFOGRAPHIC TO ENLARGE Yes You Can… Use the charger your phone came with or an “off-brand” charger You Really Shouldn’t… Use cheap, “knockoff” chargers The Explanation: While it’s perfectly acceptable to use an “off-brand” charger to charge your phone, using a...
by T. Sean Teague | Jul 24, 2014 | Business, Cloud Computing, Technology
This is the second in the series of articles about computer Networks that center on the business case for technology rather than technology itself. In these articles, we describe the technology in terms of use, function, and purpose; instead of feature, design, and...