214-207-4249 | Influencing Strategic Thinking steague@resourcedomain.com
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According to a fantastic new article by the Dallas Business Journal, Data Centers are something most of us actually already have…even if only in a small scale.

Excerpt from “Data FAQ” published July 25, 2014 by The Dallas Business Journal

“Believe it or not, most of us own a miniaturized version of a data center: our laptop. The computer stores, transfers, receives and backs up our information. A data center works on a similar, if much larger, scale. It is a facility that houses equipment, such as servers, computers and switch routers, to manage, process and exchange information pertaining to a particular business or specific topic. They also offer services for telecommunications.”

Their article gives a great overview of what data centers art and how they matter to your business and everyday life. We highly recommend giving it a quick read!
